نبذة مختصرة عن البرنامج DAEMON Tools Ultra
البرنامج الاكثر من رائع لتشغيل الالعاب او ملفات الايزو عموما علي جهازك دون حرق او نسخ علي سي دي كما انه يدعم صيغه bin الشهيره وبالتالي فهو يغنيك عن البحث عن البرامج الاخري والتي قد لا تفيدك
DAEMON Tools Ultra provides you with all the features of DAEMON Tools Lite as well as the ones from DAEMON Tools Pro as well as some additional content. As you may know by now, the DAEMON Tools Lite application is a big star in the community due to the lack of a price tag as well as the feature set that seems to cover all the basic needs.
Functionality - Mount disc images in *.mdx, *.mds/*.mdf, *.iso, *.b5t, *.b6t, *.bwt, *.ccd, *.cdi, *.bin/*.cue, *.ape/*.cue, *.flac/*.cue, *.nrg, *.isz - Convert all supported image formats to *.mdf/*.mds, *.mdx, *.iso - Make images of CD, DVD, Blu-ray discs - Make compressed disc images or split one image to several files - Protect disc images with password
VHD support - Create and mount read/write Virtual Hard Disk images with dynamic or fixed size - Use VHD images to back up any of your data - Have easy access to your data stored in VHD file
Media devices virtualization - Use "Quick Mount" option to mount and use up to 32 disc images right away - Set up to 32 SCSI and 4 IDE virtual devices in advanced mode
iSCSI Initiator - Work with iSCSI targets (optical devices only) created with DAEMON Tools Net Data Server or third party iSCSI servers - Use DT virtual devices to mount iSCSI targets as disc images
Advanced imaging features - Create or edit disc images simple with new widgets - Burn created image files to media discs - Burn disc images with RMPS data - Master bootable discs or images - Manage your Image Collection
معللومات هامه عن البرنامج DAEMON Tools Ultra
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